Students loved the Bobblehead collection by volunteer Joyce Overcast and the student curated Hot Wheels collection- both on display in the fall of 2023.
Mr. Manganello and Ms. Floyd's class created fossil castings, which inspired our fossil exhibit. Thanks to the Florida Museum for their help in identifying some of the beach fossils in the exhibit.
The 2024 Lego Classroom Challenge exhibit highlights all the creations students made using lego bricks - including a clarinet!
We have turned the trophy case located outside the cafeteria into a place to display objects of artistic, cultural, educational, historical, or scientific importance. The display may be a collection curated by a student or teacher, or could have significance to a current event like the Lantern Parade. It will also periodically be used to display "Natural Curiosity Show and Tell" items. During National Parks Week, there was an exhibit of all things NPS - postcards, souvenirs, passport stamps, Junior Ranger badges and more!
Our first Natural Curiosities Show and Tell exhibit was on March 20-April 14, 2023.
Students can learn more about the natural world by participating in the "Natural Curiosities Show and Tell". Using the form to the left, they will sketch and describe a natural object they have found. During one of our "Museum Days", students will bring the object and form to school to be displayed in the Mini-Museum.
Please be respectful of nature and follow “Leave No Trace” rules while exploring. >> Make sure items are clean and safe for handling >> Don’t collect bird nests, feathers*, eggs, or turtle shells >> Leave living plants and animals where you find them >> Take only one of each item when you are collecting from nature >> Don’t collect items from state or national parks, or items protected by law*The possession of feathers and other parts of native North American birds without a permit is prohibited by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act |